“The pain went right up my spine!”

Hilda arrived to my office in a wheelchair pushed by one of her two daughters. She’d survived  breast cancer years ago but was left with debilitating pain in her spine that was attributed to the side effect of one of the chemotherapy medications she took. “I’m hoping you can help me with the pain.” she said.

The pain had kept her mostly wheelchair bound and unable to do the things she loved. Fortunately she lived with her two daughters who adored her and showered her with love and wonderful care. That wasn’t enough. “Since I began living with my daughters, I’ve always been the one who did the cooking for us. All I want is to feel good enough to stand at the stove and make my girls dinner, and maybe work in my garden a bit.”

As Hilda began to rise from the wheelchair it was clear just how much pain she was in. I suggested that we start with her in the chair, but she refused. “No, I’m going to get up on your table.” Watching her rise and get herself situated on the table was as if I was experiencing the pain myself. It was excruciating. With her daughter’s help, we got her situated and bolstered but certainly not comfortable. Her body shook and her breathing was shallow with tearful sounds through the breath. Oh boy, I thought.

I asked her daughter to assist me in my work because I wanted to get started quickly. We had to get Hilda out of a little pain so she could relax. Sitting opposite me, I guided her daughter through a series of finger and toe holds that work through the energy of the spine. I worked with the right hand and left foot, her daughter with the left hand and right foot. Hilda’s breathing began to relax as her body let go.

Once Hilda was able to relax a bit, her daughter moved to the side to watch. I continued to apply the JSJ holds for spinal pain as Hilda moved into a deep sleep state. I felt relief myself as well. It is difficult to watch someone in tremendous pain.

 When Hilda awoke there was a smile on her face. “I’m out of pain!” she exclaimed. While she still lay on the table she described what happened.  “I was feeling the pain so badly that I could barely breath. Then I thought to myself, pain, I’ve had enough of you, I’ve just had it! Then, I felt the pain move up my spine from my tailbone to my neck and shoot out of my head. After that the pain was just gone. I feel great!”

 She was ready to get up and I was nervous. I saw how painful it was to lie down. Would it be the same? Not at all. Hilda easily rolled to one side and allowed me to help her rise up to seated, then standing. She sat down in the wheelchair and turned to her daughter. “Let’s go!! She said. “I want to go home and start cooking!”

She came for a few more sessions. Each time the pain had returned a bit but not in the way it had been on the first visit. She continued to report “I’m enjoying time with my girls in the kitchen and garden. That’s all I’ve really wanted to do and I can do it.”

It’s amazing how Jin Shin Jyutsu can really help people in severe pain. I never promise a specific level of relief, but I’ve seen some amazing results.


You don’t have to wait for him


“You’re doing that, aren’t you?”