You have questions. I have answers.

FAQs For You

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu and Reiki were brought forward from Japan during the same time period. Both use the hands, touch and life force energy. Jin Shin Jyutsu uses touch on 26 main pairs of energy locations on the front and back of the body as well as the fingers, toes, and spine. Reiki utilizes a series of hand positions around the head, shoulders, stomach, and feet.

    Reiki involves “attunements” to what are described as energy frequencies. Jin Shin Jyutsu does not.

  • This is easy. Wear comfortable clothing, you’ll only be removing your shoes. Also, it is recommended that you eat lightly prior to your treatment.

  • You’ll be asked to lie on your back on a padded massage table. If you are unable to lie comfortably for any reason, adaptations can be easily made for you. My treatment room is accessible for everyone.

    Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions last for 50 minutes to an hour. During the session, light touch is applied to the body through clothing to spark the body’s energetic pathways. Where touch is utilized depends on the individual’s need. There are 26 pairs of energetic centers located on the front and back of the body. Touch may also be used on the fingers, toes, and the spine.

    After your treatment, I generally offer a simple light touch self-care suggestion to continue the benefit.

  • Most people experience a feeling of deep relaxation of the body and the mind. You may feel tingling in areas of the body or gurgling in your digestive system and the body moves into balance. Pain levels often decrease. People often become dozy or fall asleep. There’s no need to remain awake to receive the benefit of your session.

  • After your session, you may continue to feel physical and emotional changes for up to eight hours or more after your treatment. People often note changes in pain and stress levels and improved sleep. Each individual’s experience is different.

    I find that the benefits can be cumulative and improvements are longer lasting with repeated treatment and the use of the self-care.

  • Distance sessions aren’t that different from in person. Prior to your session, we will discuss your needs. For the treatment, you will find a quiet, place to relax, free from distractions while I work with you from my location.

    We are generally not in communication during the treatment so I can be focused. After the session, I’ll touch base with you about your session and offer self-care suggestions.

    My clients tell me that distance treatments feel the same as in person, results included.

  • It really depends on each individual and their specific needs and goals. People experiencing chronic conditions such as cancer, autoimmune, and long standing physical or emotional projects benefit from regular treatment. An intensive series of daily or twice daily Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions can help break long standing energetic patterns for those really looking to make physical or emotional changes.

    Individuals who embrace the self-help component of Jin Shin Jyutsu note faster improvements a deeper connection with themselves.

  • Not at all. In fact, it is a wonderful addition to the good care you may already be receiving. Jennifer has practiced in collaboration with surgeons, oncologists, specialists, mental health and other medical professionals.

FAQs For Your Animal Friends

  • Animal treatments are done in your home or farm location. Bringing pets for treatment may cause undue stress or anxiety. It’s better to treat an animal where they feel most safe and comfortable.

  • Animal treatments are scheduled for 50 to 60 minutes, though individual animals may vary in the length of time they are willing to receive Jin Shin Jyutsu. Residual time, if any, will be utilized sharing simple holds the owner may use for additional benefit for their animal, or self-care for themselves.

    Additional animals may also be seen during the one hour treatment if there’s time left over.

  • It’s recommended that your animal’s treatment does not occur during their usual feeding or exercise schedules. Dogs and cats can be treated anywhere they feel relaxed and comfortable, with or without their animal friends present. Whatever setting helps them feel secure is fine.

    Energetic pets should be walked or run prior to their session so they are able to relax.

    Horses may need to be on a lead line for their first treatment and can be treated in a paddock, stall, or breezeway. It’s recommended that the horse is not directly with other horses, as the others will want to be treated too. It is fine for them to be in eye contact of their friends if this is needed for their comfort and security.

    Cats are usually on their own time schedule, so timing and location is not as important.

  • Like human treatments, the touch is light without pressure or massage in specific areas of the body. Animals seem to prefer the practitioner remain in one location longer, rather than moving from place to place.

    Treatment lengths vary greatly by animal. Some will lounge and accept treatment for a full hour. Others may walk away after a few minutes and return for more. Your animal is giving the freedom to determine what its needs are. Their treatment will be tailored specifically for them and their observed responses.

  • Your animal friend may show signs of deep relaxation through body movement, closed eyes, yawning, drooling, relaxed ears, abdominal gurgles and more.

    Animals often indicate where they would like to receive touch through eye contact and physical movement. They often indicate when they have received enough by moving away, but may return for further work.

  • You may notice changes in the animal under your care, both physical and emotional that may be long lasting. Changes may include calmness, decrease in physical tension and pain, lessening of anxiety symptoms, and more.

    You may be giving one or two simple holds you can use for your animal friend to continue the benefit.

  • This depends on your animal’s needs. Chronic conditions such as cancer effects, hip and joint pain, and long standing anxiety may need more than one treatment.

    If your animal is a competitor, sessions prior to their competitions or regularly during training can have positive benefits for them physically and emotionally.

    Pregnant animals that receive regular Jin Shin Jyutsu during pregnancy, prior to and after delivery have less complications. Their offspring are treatment in utero as well and can benefit from Jin Shin Jyutsu as they grow and develop.

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu is not intended to be a replacement for your veterinary care. It is, however, a wonderful addition. Jennifer often works in collaboration with veterinary and other animal professionals.