
New Client Consults

20 minutes

Informational consult via phone, FaceTime, or Zoom to determine if Jin Shin Jyutsu is right for you or your pet. Consult is recommended before any mentoring session.

New Client Consultation - no charge

In-Person Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions

60 minutes

In office setting with treatment and self-care training.

In Office Session $125

60 minutes

In the Lexington-Fayette County area. Additional travel fees may apply for other locations. Please contact me before booking.

In Home Session $150

60 minutes

In your home, barn, or outdoor session in the Lexington-Fayette County area. Inquire for appointments outside of the area before booking.

Animal Session $150

Distance Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions

People Session $125

60 minutes

You receive Jin Shin Jyutsu through non-local/distance treatment while you relax in a quiet setting free from distractions. If this is your first treatment of any kind, an initial consult appointment is suggested.

Animal Session $125

60 minutes

Your animal receives Jin Shin Jyutsu through distance treatment at a time of day that is quiet and relaxing. If this is the first treatment of any kind, an initial consult appointment is suggested.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Personal Guidance & Coaching

You & Your Animal Friend $175

60 minutes

In person or via Zoom. After an initial consult, I guide you with specific Jin Shin Jyutsu light touch hold suggestions related to your animal’s specific needs. Your session includes access to the Zoom recording and written guide.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Care $175

60 minutes

In person or via Zoom. After an initial consult, I guide you with specific Jin Shin Jyutsu light touch hold suggestions related to your specific needs. If you are a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, the session may include related questions. Your session includes access to the Zoom recording and written guide.

Questions before getting started?