

Achieve physical and emotional well-being for you and your pets through the gentle art of Jin Shin Jyutsu light touch energy therapy

CALM + HEAL: In-person Jin Shin Jyutsu Light Touch Experiential Workshop November 2nd at SHALA

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?

Jin Shin Jyutsu is the gentle art of using light, non-invasive touch on specific locations on the body that balance and harmonize the energetic system resulting in both physical and emotional changes for both people and pets. Rooted in the ancient traditions of the East, Jin Shin Jyutsu is now found in modern life as an integrative therapy for both people and animals.

Learn the history of Jin Shin Jyutsu here.

For You

Are you looking for a more holistic path towards health? Do you experience physical or emotional conditions that traditional approaches haven’t found the solution for?

It’s time to find a new way forward. Jin Shin Jyutsu is similar to acupuncture in the way it considers energy as a foundation of healing. Rather than the use of needles on 300+ body locations, light touch is applied over clothing utilizing the twenty-six pairs of primary energetic locations on the left and right sides of the body. The result is a decrease of physical and emotional symptoms restoring the body to its natural state of harmony, while you relax in a comfortable position, usually reclining.

For Your Animals

Do you have a pet that is anxious and fearful? Do you care for an animal that has other physical issues related to accidents, injuries or aging?

An integrative approach utilizing traditional care and the energetic therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, can make a difference in an animal’s physical and emotional well-being, too.

Animals respond to the light touch of Jin Shin Jyutsu with deep relaxation and both physical and emotional improvements. Touch locations on animals are similar humans. Animals are allowed to find their own way of being during a session – standing, seated, or lying down.


  • Whether you’re looking for assistance for yourself, your family, or the animals you love and care for, I can treat everyone with the light touch of Jin Shin Jyutsu for both physical and emotional symptoms and projects. Treatments are in person or through distance healing.

  • As a faculty member of Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companions and an authorized Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Instructor, I teach in person and online to help you and the animals you love. I can also mentor you as you work with yourself or your pet.

  • Looking for a speaker to promote health and wellness for your employees or group in a small meeting, retreat, or convention setting? I can help everyone feel more relaxed, clear, and inspired through my presentations and group self-care practices tailored for your specific group or event.

Are you ready to discover the healthy life that’s waiting for you and your pet?

Visit the FAQ page, book a free 20 minute consultation , and let’s get started.

Meet Jennifer Bradley

I was just like you, looking for ways to help my family and my pets when traditional medicine seemed to be missing something. So many of the solutions I was offered seemed to help a bit, but often just covered symptoms and didn’t address the underlying cause.

I found Jin Shin Jyutsu in 2003 when a friend began using this art to help with the side effects of cancer treatment. I had to know more. After five years of in-depth study, I became a practitioner and opened my first office in 2008.

In addition to my early private practice, I volunteered working with hospice patients in home and hospital settings. I spent 10 years as a practitioner and coordinator within the University of Kentucky Medical Center’s Integrative Medicine & Health, working in collaboration with the physicians and staff for patients of all ages and needs, from birth to end of life, including those in the NCI Designated Markey Cancer Center.

My background is unique within energy practitioners and transfers seamlessly to my other love - working with animals of all kinds, primarily horses, dogs, and cats.

I’m passionate about helping people and their pets find the health and healing they are looking for through the light touch practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

For greater detail, see my CV/Resume HERE.


Let’s connect.

Every being is unique. Individualized treatment plans are always a part of Jin Shin Jyutsu for people and animals.

Appointments available in office, at your home or animal’s location, and through distance healing. Teaching and mentoring in-person and online. 20 minute free consults via phone, FaceTime, or Zoom.