Jin Shin Jyutsu for Dry January

Like lots of people, I indulged in food and drink over the holidays more than I normally do. Honestly, I enjoyed every bit of it, but I’m ready to get back to my more healthy routine.

Lots of people feel the same. Dry January is becoming quite a thing. Why not give yourself the month to see how you feel without alcohol? You might find that you feel much better overall – more alert, more positive, more energy. If grabbing that beer has become an after work habit, or reaching for a glass of wine is your go to for stress, you’re going to need some help to stay on track.

This is where Jin Shin Jyutsu comes in.  Jin Shin Jyutsu is light touch on the body that you can do to bring yourself into balance, calm that stress, and change your patterns of being. In Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help we recognize specific areas of the body that can help us make change and improvements in our lives. It’s so simple that people who learn about this wonder why they never heard of it before.

The best part of using Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help is that you can use it in any situation, at any time. Feeling stressed? I’ll show you what finger to hold to calm yourself. Craving that bourbon at the end of the day? I can help you there too. This is a practice that you can use any time of day; when you first wake up, sitting at the computer, out with friends, even watching the basketball game or at a party. It’s just that easy. For Dry January, it’s great when those habits or cravings decide to show up.

I’m having two Jin Shin Jyutsu for Dry January Zoom gatherings twice each week through this month - Thursdays from 6:30-7:00pm and Saturdays 4:30-5:00pm, both EST. Come join us! For 30 minutes I’ll lead you through some simple Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help holds that I know will help make breaking the cocktail habit more easy for you. We’ll also learn holds that will help with the stress and anxiety that make you want to grab that glass of wine

I’d love to see you there! All you have to do is turn on Zoom, sit or lie on your couch, and pratice with me.

Cost: $10

Register here:


Dry January


“I just want to see my world one last time.”