How we approach the body
How does a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner begin a treatment?
Lovingly, quietly, and without judgement or thought of outcome. We listen to our client to learn about why they have come. We look at the body not as a judge, but to learn how energy has been moving and has now become more solid. Is the shoulder on one side high? Is a foot turned out? I like to open my mind and let my client’s verbal information and the physical tell me a story of the life. It gives me a starting place. A wondering. What is being held onto emotionally? What is the body wanting to move away from or towards? This is my client’s session and I as the practitioner am simply the facilitator, the “spark”, the observer. The changes come from within the individual at the level of energy, from their physical, emotional, and spiritual structure.
What draws my attention for that session is where I start. I listen to the pulses as most practitioners do but it is not the only guiding factor. Besides the initial conversation and visible body, It could be what the client has said right before they lay down, or the tenor of the voice as they make a statement about their life. Whatever it is, I allow that “hit” to begin the journey without any forethought as to where we’re going. It’s not my journey, I’m merely being guided by my client and the Source.
Every session is unique. Every client is unique. I’m awed every time someone lies down on my table to begin or continue the journey.
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