The judgement train

“If you are living in the now, there’s no need for comparisons.” – Mary Burmeister


I really hate to admit this, but I can be someone who judges. When I’m not present, I do a lot of comparing myself to others. What they have. What I have. What they’re doing. What I’m doing. I can tell I’m out of balance when my thinking starts heading this way. Comparison can create division within myself.


When I feel best, I’m simply being. I’m living my life and doing what feels good. Sometimes it’s working, exercising, or spending time with friends. I know that I actually do best when my time looking on the internet or on my phone is limited. These tools can be helpful, but they can also put me onto the judgement train. Judging and comparing leads to more judging and more comparing, which leads to feeling less happy about myself and my life. 


Noticing and catching myself is a wonderful help. With Jin Shin Jyutsu I can bring myself back to balance with holding my pinkie fingers for the judgement. Or I can cross my arms and hold myself like a big hug and bring harmony back into my life.  It gives me the opportunity for choice. Do I really want to spend time comparing myself to others? Does it have value? How might I better spend my time and have more fun?


Doing something I enjoy right now is a perfect remedy. Hiking, gardening, playing with dogs, and Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help. Using it every day helps me be more present, and when I’m not, it gives me a way to bring me back to myself and off the judgement train.


Helping Zeb


No more thumb sucking