Security and the path forward

“Labels are Man’s Security Blanket” – Mary Burmeister

Last winter my mother had some serious symptoms that created distress in her breathing.  It was determined that she needed to go to the ER to get sorted out. After a series of tests she was diagnosed with pneumonia and a round of IV antibiotics were ordered. Three days later she was back home after receiving great medical care.

I kept in touch with my sister for updates about Mom’s progress. “Thank goodness there’s a diagnosis.” said one daughter. And yes, I felt that was true. We now knew what was happening with the body in a way that we could label. Giving it a name made everyone feel a bit better. Now we knew what we were dealing with. Though we were all still concerned for Mom’s health, we knew that the physicians caring for her would do their best to help her.

 Sometimes though, labels give us something to hold onto rather than to move forward from. Sounds harsh I know. When we name what’s happening, we give ourselves the opportunity to become stuck or receive benefit from the label. “I can’t do ____ because I have ____.”  I like to wonder instead how I can move from where I am currently to a more balanced me without taking ownership of a diagnosis.  Instead of saying “I am or I have _____” I say “I am experiencing _____” which makes me feel there’s a path through.  

Jin Shin Jyutsu gives me the tools to do this. I can notice the physical or emotional disharmony that has arisen, note the location and symptoms I experience.  I determine if it’s located in the area of one of the fifty-two energetic centers we call Safety Energy Locks.  From there, I  work with my Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and with Self-Help to assist myself with a return to harmony before it’s given a big label. I also spend time sitting, journaling or meditating on what my body is trying to tell me. What message is being sent?

A diagnosis can be the beginning of a journey of learning and growth but I’d prefer if possible (it’s not always possible) to avoid the label by paying attention to the smaller messages my body sends me and responding. Thank you body. Thank you Jin Shin Jyutsu.


How I work with an animal that can’t trust people


If I had my way…