No more morphine.

One of my favorite patients while working at UK HealthCare was and still is an artist, Andi. Andi is a brilliant introspective woman who worked in clay and also with the soil as an avid gardener. She also had been diagnosed with a late stage form of breast cancer. The treatments had left her alive but filled with pain, fatigue and discomfort. She had grow well at working with the energy she had and enjoying life as best she could. She was excited to hear that Markey was offering an energy therapy called Jin Shin Jyutsu and made an appointment.

Ann’s oncologist was a fabulous one who was always on the lookout for possible studies that might help improve Ann’s condition. He was willing to hear different perspectives and encouraged Ann to try Jin Shin Jyutsu to see what it might do for her.  Ann became one of my regulars. Every two weeks or so she would come and note many improvements to her overall well-being and decrease in her pain levels.

After many months of treatments, Ann spoke to her oncologist about trying to get her off of the pill form of morphine she had been taking for some time. She had tried to come off the dose before but found the side effects of withdrawal from morphine more difficult than living with the drowsiness, stomach upset and mood swings. Her pain levels were decreasing so she wanted to try once more.

In my Jin Shin Jyutsu studies, I’d heard mention of flows that could be used to help with addiction and withdrawal.  I could not guarantee the outcome, but Ann, her oncologist and I came up with a plan. Dr. Massarweh would manage the titrating schedule and Ann would come see me twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 weeks as the dosage was decreased incrementally. She’d track her sleep and effects and report back to Dr. Massarweh with her progress.  I also gave Ann some simple Self-Help she could use at home to help herself if she experienced symptoms of withdrawal.

For three weeks I treated Ann. She reported  that the withdrawal symptoms were mild. She was elated. On week two however something interesting happened during her session. As we worked, suddenly a deep pain arose in Ann. Working together with breath and Jin Shin Jyutsu the pain began to resolve. Ann described the pain as more than physical. She had a vision on the table of an unresolved issues with her sister who lived in Florida. They had become estranged over the years and Ann had regret as to her part.

The next week, Ann returned and reported that she called her sister, had a long conversation, apologized,  and made peace with the past. She felt better and the pain never returned. She had similar remembrances of difficult life situations that seemed to find resolution in Jin Shin Jyutsu.

After the three weeks, Ann was no longer using morphine. Her pain stayed low. She continued to come for sessions as she needed them and reported that she was spending more and more time doing what she loved in the garden and her studio. She had more energy and felt more clear headed.

The goal of my Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments is not to create a client for life. Through this art I walk with my clients on their journey at a pace that is their own. People who embrace the Self-Help aspect seem to make amazing changes and move more quickly. Once people achieve their goal, some return only when they feel they need a tune-up. Others, like me, make Jin Shin Jyutsu a regular part of their physical and emotional care, receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu once or twice a month. 

There’s no wrong way. Just listen to your heart like Ann did and do what feels right for you.


Healing the spine


Riding away