THY & MY WILL in balance
On each side of the center of your neck. That’s where Your Will lives, energetically speaking. These powerful energetic centers are not small. Think the size of your palm and spherical.
They’re all about “Thy Will Not My Will” which means they help us balance how we perceive our place in the world and how we function within it. Do you have to always have your way? Do you force your opinions on others? Are you too unsure of your value in this world to stand up for yourself? There’s a lot of descriptions of what comes up when this area is out of balance. When out of balance we can become self destructive or self absorbed. We can be a bully or on the opposite end, a pushover. Timid.
When we’re in balance, we know we have a place in this world and a purpose. We move easily through and don’t have to force others to follow our path. There’s no need to put anyone down to make us feel better about ourselves. We are one with our purpose, why we’re here on the planet.
When out of balance to the extreme we may be so destructive that we take our own life and we might take lives around us when it goes down. I’ve always wonder if those mass shooters have severe neck pain.
Holding one or both sides of the neck can help open up this area, allowing energy to flow through more smoothly. It’s easy to do when taking a break at work, while watching TV, or just lounging in bed.
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