How will you live your life now?
Lots of news this week that gives me pause about what’s important in life and how we choose to live it. I’m a big NPR listener and am often struck by what I learn listening to the morning news. My mind puts everything through a Jin Shin Jyutsu lens and this week was no exception when two stories really hit home.
The first most powerful story was that life expectancy in America has decreased by nearly two years since 2018, especially if you are Black or Hispanic person. Much of the reason is being placed at the foot of the pandemic which shown a clear light on the nation’s discriminatory practices in healthcare and across the board. The second story was about the four million people who flat out quit their jobs this last April. Some people are leaving for new jobs, but many are just fed up working 50-60 hours each week just to make ends meet and are reevaluating what it means to live their lives. People seem to be deciding that the stress and anxiety of working for more “things” in life just isn’t worth what they’re giving up, which is time. Others are standing up for themselves and demanding to be treated more humanely with better working conditions, hours, and living wages. The pandemic gave us all a clear view that life is short and precious, and it may be time to rethink our priorities in life and how we wish to spend our days and years.
I’ve been doing the same. Like many Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners, I was forced to close my private practice for many months. I took time to reevaluate everything. During that time as many of you who are my friends, clients, and followers observed through our conversations and on social media, I’ve updated my website, started this blog, and moved more deeply into the world of working with animals. I knew in my heart during the pandemic that my calling was to try to be helpful by making videos and posting Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help as outreach to people I couldn’t see or touch. It’s been a slow process, and with the news this week, I’m rethinking again. How do I want to live my work and personal life?
I’ll be honest. There have been times when I’ve thought I should “just get a job”. Something more secure that garners a weekly paycheck that gives stability. Something that allows me to just “show up” without responsibility for the behind the scenes processes of running a business. I thought that this week…until I listened to those two news stories on NPR this week. I know I just can’t take what appears to be an easier path.
Every time I share Jin Shin Jyutsu with a person or animal I feel myself fill up with joy. The joy of connection, of being of service, of participating fully in my reason for being on the planet. Have you felt that? Ever since I began my practice in 2008 that feeling has been with me with each and every interaction, working in my private office, when I worked with patients at UK HealthCare, and now also in the barns, homes, and shelters where my animal clients live. I feel that joy of purpose and connection. I know that I cannot give this up for a “normal” job, no matter what.
Jin Shin Jyutsu changed my life at a time many years ago when I felt something was missing. The ongoing Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions I had helped me shift from a feeling of not having or being “enough” to one of vision for my future and purpose. Earlier in my life, with each job I held, I always wondered if this was “it”, my purpose. I always came up empty handed, even when I had glamorous jobs like running Tiffany & Co.’s $6 million per year pearl business when I was in my 20s. Sure seemed like a top of the world job, but somewhere inside, I knew it wasn’t “it”. When I found Jin Shin Jyutsu it was clear. Though I have momentary thoughts here and there about how much easier life might be if I just got a 9-5 job, I know that no matter what, Jin Shin Jyutsu is my life’s work.
So today I want to ask you the same question. How do you want to live your life moving forward? Are you tired of feeling stressed and anxious? Are the material things in your life worth the price you’re paying with your health and loss of connection to others? If you’re questioning all of this, you might want to consider having a series of Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions. I and many of my clients report that sessions helped them to let go of old ways of thinking and beliefs, and opened them up to new possibilities. I found that when I did a series of sessions close together my world view changed and I found myself open to a more balanced way of seeing myself and the world.
Now’s the time. The world and our world view is changing. That unease you feel is your soul calling you to a new way of being. If you’re wondering how you want to live your life moving forward, Jin Shin Jyutsu can help open the door. It did for me.