Greet your pet each day.
What a gift we have with Jin Shin Jyutsu for animals. We have a wonderful way to say hello to our pet each day and created a deeper and deeper friendship. Whether you’re greeting your cat in the morning as you’re waiting for your coffee to brew, or are out at your barn sending your horse out to the pasture for the day, you can take a minute to give a light energetic hug to your friend by placing one hand on their shoulder blade area and the other on their center chest. Even better is to take a few minutes for yourself first and get centered with a few minutes of relaxed exhales while holding your fingers one by one. Then say hello.
I’ve found that the animals I see regularly love this greeting and move right in. Sometimes it’s a long hold that moves into lying down. Other times it’s a bit of a “drive by”. Horses I work with stretch their neck and often wrap it around me in a return hug. But know, regardless of how long you touch, you’re creating a deep and lasting connection between the two of you.