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How To Decide On End of Life Care
Pet owners always question their motives and the timing of euthanasia. It is a big responsibility not to be taken lightly. The choice is always difficult and comes with many questions about appropriate timing. There is often a sense of guilt in ending the life of their constant companion.
How Horses Respond to Jin Shin Jyutsu
I find that most horse owners are familiar with how horses “release” energy. They just call it something a bit different. It can be about releasing pressure – backing off on a horse that is feeling stressed so it can relax and feel safe again.
3 Holds to Create Harmony Before Equestrian Events
Throughout my career helping horse and rider teams, I see many problems associated with being on the road for weeks on end and carrying trauma from previous events. Here's three Jin Shin Jyutsu holds you can use today to create harmony before big events.
Where And When Do You Work?
Light touch energy therapy sessions for horses can happen in a variety of settings—whether that's before a big event or on the farm. The goal is to create a comfortable environment where the horse will receive treatment.
How To Know What A Horse Needs
Whether you’ve known a horse its entire life or adopted the horse sometime after birth, it’s impossible to know everything about a horse. This article explains how to identify horse’s needs and holds you can implement today.
How Often Do Horses Need Jin Shin Jyutsu Therapy?
“How often do you need to come to work on my horse?” While I can't determine the exact time, duration and weeks of therapy needed without consultation, there's a few strategies to help figure out your horse's treatment plan.
How To Time Jin Shin Jyutsu Treatment Sessions for Horses
No time of day is the best time for all horses. This article walks you through how we determine the best time and make the most out of our sessions.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions for our Equine Partners: What to Expect
Every Jin Shin Jyutsu client's needs are different, so I spend time learning and analyzing the both horse and rider before providing light touch energy therapy.
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